[Greg Miller]
| I have a .DLL that I am extracting the file version from using wmi.py.
| The specific code is:
| c = wmi.WMI()
|         for f in
| c.CIM_DataFile(Name="c:\\glossersdmsservices\\bin\\glosscmanag
| er.dll"):
|             sdmsver = f.Version
| this works fine when running the application as a python file, when I
| build the application into an executable, using py2exe, I get the
| following error:
| Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File "autoStart.pyc", line 241, in test
|   File "wmi.pyc", line 138, in ?
|   File "win32com\client\gencache.pyc", line 540, in EnsureDispatch
|   File "win32com\client\CLSIDToClass.pyc", line 50, in GetClass
| KeyError: '{D2F68443-85DC-427E-91D8-366554CC754C}'

You could try using the tweaked version 0.6b from:


which doesn't use the EnsureDispatch and so doesn't
(I think) need the type library. If you do decide to
try, let me know if it works; it was designed for
someone else's py2exe-wmi issue, but I never heard
back as to whether he'd tried it.


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