On 02/15/2013 11:39 AM, Kene Meniru wrote:
I am trying to calculate the coordinates at the end of a line. The length
and angle of the line are given and I am using the following formula:

x = (math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * length)
y = (math.cos(math.radians(angle)) * length)

The following are sample answers in the format (x, y) to the given
length/angle values of the line:

120/0  = (0.0, 25.0)
120/89 = (24.9961923789, 0.436310160932)
120/90 = (25.0, 1.53075794228e-15)
120/91 = (24.9961923789, -0.436310160932)

Why am I getting a string number instead of the expected answer  for 120/90
which should be (25.0, 0.0). This happens at all multiples of 90 (i.e. 180
and 270)

Floating point calculations on a computer (ANY computer, and ANY programming language) can *never* be expected to be exact! (Think about 1/3 , PI, and sqrt(2) for instance.) The values written out as


is the (scientific notation) representation of .00000000000000153075794228.  Is 
that not close enough to zero for your purposes?  (Or is it that you don't 
understand the 'e-15' portion of the output?)

Dr. Gary Herron
Department of Computer Science
DigiPen Institute of Technology
(425) 895-4418


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