On 2/15/2013 4:45 PM, Deborah Piotrowski wrote:

I am very new to Python, I am using the e-book "Python Programming for
the Absolute Beginner" and am starting with a simple "Game Over"
Program.  This is the code:which is extremely simple!\
print"Game Over" raw_input("\n\nPress Enter Key to exit")

That code is two statements. It should either have a semicolon

print"Game Over"; raw_input("\n\nPress Enter Key to exit")

or be entered on two lines

print"Game Over"
raw_input("\n\nPress Enter Key to exit")

That's it. It is supposed to bring up a window that says "Game Over"

I don't know what system you are running on, but print just prints to the window you are running in and does not bring up a new window.

Terry Jan Reedy


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