> I know nothing about this gnuradio thingie, and you didn't supply a 
> website url.  I was wondering if the module is even intended to be run 
> standalone, but I suppose the if __name__ == "__main__"  thing is a clue 
> that it's supposed to.
> I found the mixture of trace lines to confuse the stack trace immensely, 
> since the exception doesn't occur in the last source line quoted. 
> Somebody better than I had best jump in and help.
> If nobody else jumps in, I'd suggest finding a forum that supports 
> gnuradio, and ask there.
> -- 
> DaveA

Thanks Dave, yes, I too am a little surprised as to why nobody cares to supply 
a fix, a workaround, or even a hint as why this is going on.  I put the exact 
same post in the gnu-radio homebrew forum and the moderated closed the thread; 
I am not sure why because he wouldn't answer me but he closed it. Ive posted 
this question in so many places with but no luck so far.  

As a workaround I removed the block "wxgui_fftsink2", as that block is not 
integral to the signal processing.  And that is the goal of "op25_grc.py", to 
decode digital radio signals.  This code block is run in GNU radio companion 
(GRC) along with many others in the signal processing path . GRC is a GUI where 
one can manage the code (ie. use a flow graph instead of coding) needed to 
process radio signals with a personal computer; sort of like the IDEs people 
use to create executables.  One can create there own processing blocks or use 
blocks that others have created.  

Thanks for your cooperation and patience!   I am going to keep working on this 
as time allows.

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