On 02/18/2013 12:14 PM, leonardo wrote:
thanks guys and sorry for my incomplete datas, here is the error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
    import circle
  File "circle.py", line 1
    Python 2.7.3 (v2.7.3:70274d53c1dd, Apr  9 2012, 20:52:43)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

If I read this error message correctly, I don't think the contents of circle.py are at all what you claim. It looks like the first line of circle.py contains the text "Python 2.7.3 ..." which is certainly not what you intended or claimed. Please examine the contents of circle.py very carefully.

thanks for any help!

Il giorno 18/feb/2013, alle ore 20:59, Stefan Holdermans 
<ste...@vectorfabrics.com> ha scritto:


i saved the above program from python shell into a file as "circle.py" . when i type 
"import circle" i get  error..

Next time, please mention what kind of error you're getting.

Was it an indentation error? Because, as you pasted it, your code would lead to 

If I fix the indentation, as in

import math

def area(radius):
   return math.pi * radius**2

def circumference(radius):
   return 2 * math.pi * radius

it works fine for me.




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