On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 12:13 PM, John Immarino <joh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I coded a Python solution for Problem #14 on the Project Euler website. I was 
> very surprised to find that it took 107 sec. to run even though it's a pretty 
> simple program.  I also coded an equivalent solution for the problem in the 
> old MSDOS basic. (That's the 16 bit app of 1980s vintage.)  It ran in 56 sec. 
> Is there a flaw in my coding, or is Python really this slow in this 
> particular application. MSDOS Basic usually runs at a snails pace compared to 
> Python.

Well, I don't see anything that looks especially slow in that code,
but the algorithm that you're using is not very efficient.  I rewrote
it using dynamic programming (details left as an exercise), which got
the runtime down to about 4 seconds.

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