On 6/27/05, Reinhold Birkenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you have any other good and valued Python modules that you would think are
> bug-free, mature (that includes a long release distance) and useful enough to
> be granted a place in the stdlib?

First of all, numeric/numarray, obviously!

I'd also like to see wxPython, pygame and SciPy, but these may be too
heavy-weight. A good distribution system for widely used packages may
be a better solution than including everything in the standard

> For my part, ctypes seems like a suggestion to start with.

I think ctypes simply *must* go in there sooner later. My experience
dealing with binary data in Python is that it's a pain in the neck
compared to C, and the more machine-like behaviour and elegant code
you want, the slower it gets. I have refrained from using ctypes for a
number of reasons, but I would probably use it if it was in the
standard library.

-- Fredrik Johansson

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