On 21/02/2013 06:04, Rita wrote:

Here is what I am trying to do. (Currently, I am doing this in cron but
i need much more granularity). I am trying to run program every 20 secs
and loop forever. I have several of these types of processes, some
should run every 5 mins, 10 secs, 20 secs, 1 min and so forth. I was
wondering what is the best way to do this?

Also, would Greenlet do something I am asking for?

Don't know if this helps, but ...

I have a program with a main loop that listens for input, and simultaneously I need to run something in the background on a regular basis. I use the threading module, like this.

import threading

class Check(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self):
        self.event = threading.Event()

    def run(self):
        event = self.event  # make local
        while not event.is_set():
            [run your activity here]
            event.wait(10)  # check every 10 seconds

    def stop(self):

Before the main loop starts, I have -

    check = Check()

When the main loop ends, I have -


For multiple activities, you could have one class per activity, or have a generic class, and pass in the executable and the timeout as parameters.


Frank Millman


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