Hi Ian,

Thanks for typing all this for me. Really useful. I did some googling of my own 
and I found that there was no concept of boolean in older versions of Python 
like you said. (BTW, how does this omission go well with proper language 
design, as Oscar seems to have hinted?) I think this obvious shortcomming is 
the main reason that, for example, when x holds the value of 5, x is considered 
to be "true". You see, I have to maintain Python files (ubuntu server scripts) 
which are 2000 lines long, all sequential code, no functions. While the person 
who wrote them should be shot :), the fact that there is inherent ambiguity 
with value, none, null 0, you name it, in conditional statements is not helping 
me understand the code, and this adds to my frustration.

I messed up my

if (some statement):            # short form

in the example I gave, but you figured exactly what I mean. Of course if the 
condition (some statement) is boolean there is no point adding "== true" or 
similar. But if (some statement) represents a value this is where I have 
trouble and again the origins of this date back to when Python had no boolean 
type. So now at least I understand it.

Btw, there are still languages with no boolean type today, MySQL for one. This 
creates big efficiency problems when fetching data from the database into a C# 
program - what should be a bool is fetched as an 8-byte integer! But that's a 
different story. I shut up now.

As I said I am new to Python, learning it, I have to get more experience with 
passing parameter values to functions, as I do with mostly everything else.



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