Thanks! This works well -- I was letting myself be too intimidated with
reportlab before looking at the documentation, but it was really not
hard at all. I think I figured out how to do landscape mode too.

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter

def insertPicture(c):

width, height = letter
letter = height, width # change to landscape
c = canvas.Canvas("picture.pdf",pagesize=letter)

Larry Bates wrote:
> You can use Python Imaging Library (PIL) and ReportLab to resize and
> place the photos on a page quite easily.  Actually ReportLab calls
> PIL automatically to resize the photos when you call .drawInlineImage
> method of the canvas object with the proper width and height arguments.
> To get ReportLab go to:
> Note: I'm assuming the photos are in .JPG, .TIF or some format that
> PIL can recognize.  If they are in some proprietary RAW format you
> will need to convert them first.
> -Larry Bates
> Stephen Boulet wrote:
> > Is there a python solution that someone could recommend for the following:
> >
> > I'd like to take a directory of photos and create a pdf document with
> > four photos sized to fit on each (landscape) page.
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > Stephen


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