----- Original Message -----
> Hello,
> Sorry for the obscure title, but I can't make short to explain what
> I'm searching for. :)
> I made an app (kind of proxy) that works without UI within it's
> process. So far, so good.
> Now I need to change "live" some controls of this application,
> without stopping it.
> So my app will be split in two :
> * A control app (say "appctl") for a console UI
> * A daemon (or agent ?) that runs the core of the app (say "appd"),
> processing inputs and outputs
> What are the best practices to do this ? Examples in a well known
> Pyhon app I could hack ? Is it possible with standard packages only
> ?
> Thanks in advance fo any pointer.
> --
> Gilles Lenant


You could use a remote protocol. This can become very easy in python. Is your 
daemon application written in python ?
Look For xmlrpclib if you want to communicate with client/servers that are not 
written in python.

If both of them are in python, then pyro would be a good choice.



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