> So, that said...   In ~simplest~ terms for the stated goal -- Forth or
> Python?
> ...the goal is NOT the spelling tutor... it is learning how to use a
> tool to solve a problem.  I am asking which tool is more suited to an
> otherwise arbitrary direction of "spelling tutor program."

Forth is an interesting language.  But, as a practical tool, Forth is 
somewhat of an orphan.  You're going to find a lot more in the way of 
Python resources than you're going to find Forth resources (for example, 
1945 posts to comp.lang.python vs 236 to comp.lang.forth in the past 2 
weeks).  I know "most popular" doesn't always mean "best", but in this 
case, I think it's an important factor.  The more you can find in the way 
of tutorials, libraries, and on-line help, the easier it will be to master.

Not to mention, that when you're done learning Python, you will have 
learned a modern language which includes concepts common to many languages 
in common use today.  When you learn Forth, you will have learned Forth.  
About the best that can be said about that is that It'll give you a 
head-start if your next goal is to learn PostScript :-)

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