
> I'm relatively new to Python, running Python 3.3 on FreeBSD
> I have a process which has started to spike CPU usage.  I'm trying to find 
> out what it's doing.
> I tried the "pystack" macro suggested here:
> I got the gdbinit macro from:
> When I attach gdb, it tells me it is loading symbols from python3.3m
> However when I run pystack I get:
> No symbol "PyStringObject" in current context.
> Do I need an updated version of the gdb macro for Python3.3?

Many system installed Python versions (all, I have seen so far)
are "stripped", i.e. they lack debugging information.
Such information is necessary in order to use the gdb macros

I suggest you install and compile your Python yourself.
Likely, the generated Python will have debugging symbols without
(manual) intervention. If not, the installation instructions should
tell you how to get a Python with debugging symbols.


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