I finally have an intern helping me with my various accessibility projects. We need to do pair programming so he can write the code in my head that I can't express by broken hand or speech recognition (yet).

The best technique with come up with so far is to use putty sessions with the same layout and use dtach into one emacs. Nonideal but it kind of sort of works after fashion. we are constrained that neither of us will poke holes in our firewalls to allow a peer-to-peer system to work so we will need a third system intermediary. What would be ideal is some sort of cloud-based collaborative editor/IDE with local storage capability. Revision control to be handled individually to a common repository outside of the IDE/editor.

Super best would be an IDE with an API so I can drive the IDE from speech recognition but, I know I'm living in a fantasyland any time I look for accessibility. at the hands one of our projects being adding accessibility controls to an existing editor. Haven't decided which one yet but the leading contender is sublime.

gobby it's kind of useful but again, it requires firewall holes or in intermediary that appears to have several shortcomings.also, according to folks I met on IRC, the developers disappeared from IRC about 18 months ago and there's been no development on the project since then.

so, what have your experiences been with collaborative environments?

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