On 03/06/2013 06:46 PM, olsr.ka...@gmail.com wrote:
how can i draw a line if the point of the begining and the end if those points  
are différent from the white
in other exepretion how can i get the color of two points of the begining and 
the end?????
please help me!!!!

This should get you going. If it doesn't work it will
still direct you to the relevant chapters in the tutorial.


def draw_line (image):

    # image is a PIL Image ( <class Image.Image at ...> )

    # Define your colors
    WHITE = ~0  # Probably white for all modes.
    LINE_COLOR = 0  # define

    # Find end points
    points = []
    pixels = image.load () # Fast pixel access
    for y in range (image.size [1]):
        for x in range (image.size [0]):
            if pixels [x, y] != WHITE
                points.append ((x, y))

    # Join end points
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw (image)
    draw.line (points, fill = LINE_COLOR)


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