On Mar 23, 7:58 am, Fabio Zadrozny <fabi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello there,
> As I've proposed it, let me try to explain it a bit better (if you have
> doubts, I should probably rephrase the proposal).
> There are 2 main targets there: keeping PyDev properly supported (which
> hopefully doesn't need more explanation) and creating LiClipse.
> The idea for LiClipse is definitely not making a fork, but having an easier
> way to add a basic editor inside Eclipse (while developing PyDev, I do get
> many requests for adding support for editors related to Python, such as
> Django templates, Mako, Restructured text, Cython, etc), so, this will
> provide me with a basis to do that (and with the basis in place, the idea
> is having the possibility of creating an editor without knowledge of
> Eclipse and in a very fast way -- current technologies for that such as
> DLTK or XText aim much higher and are not trivial. I really want to have a
> way to have a basic editor inside Eclipse just specifying the language very
> 'loosely' -- say, something that'd take you 15-30 minutes and almost no
> special knowledge of Eclipse internals -- and which would need more
> knowledge of Eclipse internals only for more advanced stuff).
> As for the dark theme, it's something that annoys me a lot (so, I was
> hoping it was also something interesting for other people -- right now,
> it's not possible to have a professional dark theme in Eclipse, there are
> many loose ends -- so, for those that would like to work with a dark theme
> -- as myself -- it may be very annoying -- although yes, it may not be
> applicable if you're happy with the current non-dark UI).
> As for distributions, yes, I plan to do an Eclipse distribution with
> LiClipse / PyDev bundled -- Easy Eclipse is definitely not a solution as it
> is NOT supported (it has an ancient version of PyDev which only serves to
> confuse users and Eclipse.org does not have a Python version with PyDev).
> I'd hardly call that a fork thought (and it should be possible to install
> it as a separate plugin anyways, so, you can use the Eclipse you got from
> anywhere and just use the update site to get those plugins).
> Cheers,
> Fabio

I am interested in the new eclipse plugin capabilities.
Where does liclipse stand with respect to this?
ie Eclipse-4 claims to have made plugin development (for new custom
languages) easier.
What is the relation of liclipse to eclipse 3<->4 plugin architecture?

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