> make something that will work for him, am I correct? The other
> alternative is to install console mode linux on it and hope that the
> ncurses library can be used by python. The system could be as low as a
> 486 dx2 66 with maybe 16 megs of ram. Well, I just thought I'd give you
> people more info on the situation.

That's almost exactly what I was given about 5 years ago.

The system I created uses a postgresql database and a
python/ncurses frontend.

Over the years, the system has become quite a bit more
complex and I have moved to pentium systems with as
much ram as I can scrounge up. They work quite well.

We get pentium machines for free all the time. People
are having a hard time getting rid of them. We use
them for my database app or as thin terminals in our
computer lab.

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