On 03/31/2013 01:19 PM, Νίκος Γκρ33κ wrote:
> I just tried the testmysql.py script:
>[...snip code...]
I hope no one who reads this list also has access to your database
and that you don't use that username/password anyplace else.

> it works, as you can see at:
> http://superhost.gr/cgi-bin/testmysql.py
> so MySQLdb mpodule does work for Python3 !!!!!
> so mysql connector is not the problem.
> but hwta is it then i get no errors!!

Get no errors from what?  The original script you were having
trouble with?  Are you running it by using your browser or
from interactively in a terminal window?

I probably should have asked this before, but can do you have
shell access to the script?  Can you run it interactively in 
a terminal window?

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