On Sunday, March 31, 2013 5:13:49 PM UTC-4, Roy Smith wrote:
> In article <2912c674-e30b-4339-9344-1f460cb96...@googlegroups.com>,
>  jojo  wrote:
> > for fname in dirList:
> >  cmd = "keytool �printcert �file " + fname
> >  for line in os.popen(cmd).readlines():
> >    line = line.rstrip()
> >    m = p.search(line)
> >    if m:
> >       sue = time.mktime(
> >         (int(m.group(7)), int(months[m.group(2)]), int(m.group(3)),
> >           int(m.group(4)), int(m.group(5)), int(m.group(6)),
> >           int(days[m.group(1)]), 0, 0)
> >         )
> >         expire_time = (sue � current_time)/60/60/24
> >         if expire_time < 0:
> >           print cert_name + " has already expired!"
> >         elif expire_time < 31:
> >           print cert_name + " expires in " +str(int(expire_time)) + " days"
> >        else:
> >         m = q.search(line)
> >         if m:
> >         cert_name = m.group(1)
> Was this code really indented like this when you got it?  You've got (at 
> least) three different indent sizes.  I see 1, 2, and 3 space indents in 
> different places in the code.
> I'm not even sure if this is legal, but even if it is, it's really bad 
> form.  Pick an indent, and stick with it uniformly.  4 spaces seems to 
> be pretty standard.
> That being said, I'm going to return to my previous statement that until 
> you know what the code is *supposed* to do, trying to test it is 
> meaningless.

Hi Rob.

Thanks for your replies. Just to be clear this is for a interview and they 
would like me to figure out what the code does and come back with some test 
cases. I don't need to code the tests, just give some high level tests. As far 
as I can make out it is some system where you input your name and it will bring 
back your details plus how much time you have left on your card. Have to say I 
find the code extremely confusing, hopefully all python isn't like this!!

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