On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 9:02 PM, Joe Hill <j...@nospamever.com> wrote:

> ...
>     In a Windows 7 environment (even a 64-bit Windows 7 environment), you
> must install the 32-bit version of Python 3. The 64-bit version will not
> work with NumPy 1.6.
1.7 is the current version. I use 32-bit Python myself.

>     Furthermore, the 32-bit version of Python 3 must be installed 'just
> for me', and not 'for everyone on this computer'.

>     Finally, make sure you select the proper NumPy version (for Python
> 3.2), not the default version from SourceForge (which is for Python 2.6).

> In this post I'm assuming you have already installed Python 3 and that
> you're running Windows 7. Specifically, I'm running Windows 7
> Professional, 64-bit, Service Pack 1. What follows is the whole story of
> the troubleshooting, in case it helps out anyone else having the same
> issues.
> etc.
I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium

> http://docs.python.org/3.2/install/
> More alternatives than an encyclopedia!
> See no reference to Win 7.
> This is NO help
I'm not aware of any peculiarities due to use of Win 7 (except it's not

> http://www.python.org/getit/releases/3.2.3/
> got
> Gzipped source tar ball (3.2.3) (sig), ~ 13 MB
> which was a file:
> Python-3.2.3.tgz
Download the Windows executables.

> ...
> I'm a total novice - my last program writing was 35+ years ago.  My reason
> for wanting Python is purely for fun an recreation.  I used to just love
> code writing.
> Questions:
> 1.  is 3.2.3 the correct version for me?  On April 6 I see that additional
> releases will become available.  I see value in having the latest stable
> programs.  Is any of this for me - I can wait 5 days?
3.3.0 is the current version

> 2.  Would it make sense to install Python on the D: drive or will that
> just further confuse matters?
It shouldn't hurt anything but why would you want to?

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