Please keep response replies to the Python list (e.g., use 'reply all' or
just send the email to python-list).

Also, you should tell people what Python version you are using. I assume
you are using Python 2 since Tkinter was renamed to tkinter in Python 3.

Finally, do not top-post.  Type your responses inside the body of the email
you are responding to.  That gives people context for your responses.

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Renato Barbosa Pim Pereira <> wrote:

> Sorry for my inconsistence:
> I need a textbox to get one number and pass for variable called numero
> with one click of button. Thanks .
> I have this:
> import numpy as np
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> from Tkinter import *
> import tkMessageBox
> prefixo = "vetor"
> numero = 10
> numeroVetores = 0
> def makeWidgets(numero):
>     global entries
>     window = Tk()
>     window.title('Vetores')
>     form = Frame(window)
>     form.pack()
>     entries = {}
>     for ix in range(numero):
>         label = "%s %s" % (prefixo , ix + 1)
>         lab = Label(form, text=label)
>         ent = Entry(form)
>         lab.grid(row=ix, column=0)
>         ent.grid(row=ix, column=1)
>         entries[label] = ent
>     Button(window, text="Calcular",  command=calcular).pack(side=LEFT)
>     Button(window, text="Media",  command=media).pack(side=LEFT)
>     return window
> def pegavalores():
>     valores = []
>     for chave, entrada in sorted(entries.items()):
>         valores.append(entrada.get())
>     return valores
> def calcular():
>     calcular = pegavalores()
>     plt.plot(calcular)
> def media():
>     media = pegavalores()
>     elementos = len(media)
>     media = np.asarray(media, dtype=np.float64)
>     valormedio = np.sum(media)/elementos
>     tkMessageBox.showinfo("Media", valormedio)
> window = makeWidgets(numero)
> window.mainloop()

I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do.  My guess is that you want
to get "numero" from user input.  Luckily, the tkSimpleDialog module
contains a handy function that does just this: askinteger.  So add a call:

numero = tkSimpleDialog.askinteger('Window Title', 'Please insert the
number of input values you want')
window = makeWidgets(numero)

I leave to you the task of bringing tkSimpleDialog into your namespace.

Good luck,

Jason M. Swails
Quantum Theory Project,
University of Florida
Ph.D. Candidate

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