Peter, Thomas,

thanks for your suggestion. I did indeed look broader than whois, and 
reverse DNS maybe a better description. Unfortunately I did try the 
socket.gethostbyaddr(""), but the result was a 
disappointing "host not found", both at home on an XP machine as well as 
at work on a NT machine. Your comments stimulated me too experiment with 
this apporach, and I discovered that unresolved IP addresses in my old 
logfiles return "host not found". However many IP addresses in my new 
logfile can be translated successfully! Apparantly there are IP 
addresses that cannot be reversely resolved by the DNS servers. I did 
translate these addresses manually so far via the whois service. So you 
definitely helped me a lot, but I keep interested in a complementary 
whois solution.

kind regards, Gerrit

> Gerrit Muller wrote:
>> I am migrating a website from a UNIX based machine to an Windows 
>> machine. In the logfiles I got from the old machine I mostly got 
>> domain names and sometimes only IP addresses. The Windows machine 
>> seems to produce only IP addresses.
>> Somehow I cannot find a windows solution to translate an IP address 
>> back into a domain-name. Searching with Google shows that more people 
>> have been wrestling with this problem.
>> I did find working whois scripts, but unfortunately:
> [snip]
> Part of your problem is looking for the wrong thing.  You are looking 
> for the capability provided by "domain name servers" (DNSes), not 
> "whois" servers.  But Thomas has just given you the solution...
> -Peter

Gaudi systems architecting:

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