Τη Τετάρτη, 3 Απριλίου 2013 12:43:43 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Wolfgang Maier 
> D. Xenakis <gouzounakis <at> hotmail.com> writes:
> > 
> > Hi there, i installed python 2.7 (windows 32bit version) from
> > http://www.enthought.com/products/epd_free.php and after that i installed
> official  3.3 version
> > too. So now i got two python folders like this.. c:/Python27 and 
> > c:/Python33 . 
> > My problem is that when im trying to execute a .py file, the 2.7 version
> interpreter launces. In addition if i
> > right click and select Edit with IDLE, again version 2.7 interpreter opens.
> How can i make python 3.3 the
> > default one, as i need this cause i have PyQt4 installed there and so it 
> > does
> not work with 2.7 .
> > Thx in advance.
> > 
> Check out the post at
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4664646/how-to-change-default-python-version-on-windows-xp
> .
> Especially the part about changing the registry. The Python.File entry 
> mentioned
> there also has the information about the IDLE version to use.
> Best,
> Wolfgang

I changed this too Python.CompiledFile to my 33 version.
Should i not touch this key?

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