On 2013-04-05, rh <richard_hubb...@lavabit.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Apr 2013 02:17:55 +0300 Nac Temha <nacctte...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm working to parse log files. But I need to help this matter. I
>> want to parse syslog(wihch program is running, timestamp,host,etc) of
>> system I could not find any module of python for this. Or do you have
>> suggestion?
> pydoc syslog
> That intenough?

No.  Can you be more specific?  All the documentation I've found for
the syslog module is for _generating_ log entries (it's a wrapper for
the Unix syslog library).

That's not what the OP asked about.

The OP asked about parsing syslog files, not generating syslog file

Parsing syslog files is not a well-defined problem.  The format of a
syslog file depends on which system log daemon you're running and now
it's configured.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Do I have a lifestyle
                                  at               yet?

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