On Apr 7, 4:16 pm, ReviewBoard User <lalitha.viswan...@gmail.com>
> Hi
> I am a newbie to python and am trying to write a program that does a
> sum of squares of numbers whose squares are odd.
> For example, for x from 1 to 100, it generates 165 as an output (sum
> of 1,9,25,49,81)
> Here is the code I have
> print reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, filter(lambda x: x%2, map(lambda x:
> x*x, xrange
> (10**6)))) = sum(x*x for x in xrange(1, 10**6, 2))
> I am getting a syntax error.
> Can you let me know what the error is?
> I am new to Python and am also looking for good documentation on
> python functions.http://www.python.org/doc/does not provide examples
> of usage of each function

In problems like this it is usually preferable to use list
comprehensions over map/filter.
Your problem is literally solvable like this:

>>> [sq for sq in [x*x for x in range(100)] if sq%2 == 1 and sq <= 100]
[1, 9, 25, 49, 81]
>>> sum([sq for sq in [x*x for x in range(100)] if sq%2 == 1 and sq <= 100])

Using Dave's observation that odd(x) == odd(x*x) it simplifies to
>>> sum([x*x for x in range(100) if x%2==1 and x*x <=100])

Note: Python comprehensions unlike Haskell does not allow local lets
so the x*x has to be repeated

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