On Sun, 07 Apr 2013 13:25:57 -0700, subhabangalore wrote:

> Dear Group,
> I was looking to split a string in a particular interval, like,
> If I have a string,
> string="The Sun rises in the east of  our earth"
> I like to see it as,
> words=["The Sun","rises in","in the","east of","our earth"]
> If any one of the learned members can kindly suggest.

Like every programming problem, the solution is to break it apart into 
small, simple steps that even a computer can follow.

1) Split the string into words at whitespace.

words = string.split()

2) Search for the word "in", and if found, duplicate it.

tmp = []
for word in words:
    if word == 'in':

words = tmp

3) Take the words two at a time.

phrases = [words[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(words), 2)]

4) Join the phrases into strings.

phrases = [' '.join(phrase) for phrase in phrases]


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