On 2013-04-09, Mark Janssen <dreamingforw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Where do YOU come up with the idea that you can't be sued if money
>>>> didn't change hands? In what jurisdiction is that true? Unless it's
>>>> true in every jurisdiction that the internet touches, I wouldn't trust
>>>> it to protect me.
>>> I know, the legal system has us all under their thumbs.  If I hand you a
>>> rose, will you sue me because it doesn't smell like one?
>> Are you harmed by the fact that the rose doesn't have a scent? If there
>> is no harm, there is no grounds for a lawsuit. What counts as harm will
>> depend on the jurisdiction, but I'm not aware of any place where "I was
>> disappointed that it didn't smell nice" counts as harm.
> What if my thumb gets pricked by a thorn on the rose?  Let's see....

[In the US]

 1) You've got to show that the prick was harmful enough to you that
    it merits legal remedy.

 2) You've got to show that you had a reasonable expectation that
    roses didn't have thorns.

 3) You've got to show that whoever gave you the rose should have
    forseen that would be harmed.

 4) For extra bonus points, you try to show that whoever gave you the
    rose knew you would be harmed or indended to harm you.

[In some areas of civil law, you can cash in your bonus points from
step four for treble damages!]

Are there that many people in the country who have no clue how the
legal system works?

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! UH-OH!!  I put on
                                  at               "GREAT HEAD-ON TRAIN
                              gmail.com            COLLISIONS of the 50's"
                                                   by mistake!!!

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