On 04/09/2013 09:57 AM, thomasancill...@gmail.com wrote:
On Tuesday, April 9, 2013 9:32:18 AM UTC-4, thomasa...@gmail.com wrote:
I'm new to learning python and creating a basic program to convert units of
measurement which I will eventually expand upon but im trying to figure out how
to loop the entire program. When I insert a while loop it only loops the first
2 lines. Can someone provide a detailed beginner friendly explanation. Here is
my program. Also suddenly I'm getting an invalid syntax error next to my elif
statements when I wasn't a minute ago. What is wrong here?
#!/usr/bin/env python
restart = "true"
while restart == "true":
#Program starts here
print "To start the Unit Converter please type the number next to the
conversion you would like to perform"
choice = input("\n1:Inches to Meter\n2:Millileters to Pint\n3:Acres to
Quoting that many lines, and double-spacing every one of them is very
impolite. Almost makes me want to skip the thread.
If you must use buggy googlegroups, then at least fix its most annoying
read this http://wiki.python.org/moin/GoogleGroupsPython.
(rest deleted, as the point has been made)