Okay peeps, I'm re-opening this thread, because despite being hijacked
by naysayers, the merit of the underlying idea I think still has not
been communicated or perceived adequately.  As a personal request from
the BDFL, which I begrudge him for, I've removed the thread from
python-ideas.  If you want to tail him and ignore it fine, but I will
be addressing the naysayers one-by-one and (since no one was willing
to do a modicum of interference for me) presumably by myself.  For
reference of how this topic began, see http://qr.ae/TM1Vb and
http://qr.ae/TMh7A which were questions from the programming community
not astroturfed nor sockpuppeted by/for me.   For the underlying itch
being scratched which motivates this whole thread, see
http://qr.ae/TM1Vb.  But basically, I'm proposing a programming
language *synthesis* and unification of the object-oriented and
imperative language paradigms (two of the four paradigms recognized on
wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programming_paradigm) to
create what I'm calling a "unified data ecosystem".

I'm going to admit from the beginning that I am not deeply researched
with the many varied explorations of the programming language
*ontology*, BUT I have followed the main "trunk", if not gone out on
every branch.  I *will* say that I am degreed in Computer Engineering
(PLU '92) and have a fairly solid theoretical background in the art
and the science of CS.  Further, I will admit that I am not deeply
experienced in application or Internet programming -- I have stayed on
the outside watching those developments so that I can fulfill a vision
I have of what the Internet can be (a world-changing technology to
make a balanced socio-political platform and thereby a healthy
planet).   So my use of the term "message-passing" is not so much
laden with its use in programming language theory as much as the more
pedestrian notion of passing notes -- a conceptual model familiar to

My interest in pursuing the topic isn't to "radically change" Python,
to grind an axe or personal whim, nor to alter the spirit of Python in
any way (a spirit which drew me to it back in 2001), but to consider a
fairly large "re-factoring" or our current *programming ecosystem*
while preserving and enhancing what I consider Python's main
superpower:  simplifying the complex.  The real issue, then, is not
changing *Python*, but something deeper:  refactoring the OOP paradigm
itself.  ...Why?

First, let it be noted clearly that OOP has not delivered on one its
two main selling points:  re-usable, sharable code.   (The other main
selling point being the ability to abstract away the details of the
underlying machine -- which it still does well.)   The proof of this
is that we have *libraries* of code bundled with languages so that
everyone uses the same "vetted" code base.  Anything outside this,.
though, feels, to most, like wearing other people's underwear.  You'll
note, even within the python library itself, that modules are hardly
unified in coding *style*, showing the programming personality of the
various developer histories that each library is representing.  We
accept this, because our benevolent dictator accepts it, and it's not
easy to unify it further (despite an attempt with Pythonv3), because
the issue, I'm arguing, is really about an inadequacy in the OOP model

What I'm proposing *should* create a data/object ecosystem much like
Unix created a "command ecosystem".  An environment in which people
could combine simple, modular commands into powerful, complex
para-applications.  In the case I'm proposing, the *Python*
environment becomes a sort of "lingua franca" for the data ecosystem,
not because of a war of whose language is better but because of the
simple issue of practicality.  In this data ecosystem, a network of
objects becomes available and re-usable across the network (not a new

So, where are we now?  Well we have this huge resource called the
Internet, which has loads of data that no one has really exploited to
its potential.  Its value is scattered across the globe:  warehoused
in various databases, spreadsheets, blog silos, personal computers and
whatnot.  The OOP paradigm has not solved the problem, which it, in
theory, could or SHOULD have.  Instead, we have balkanization across
many language platforms and data formats.  XML, RDF, none of these
really solves the problem, because the relationship to data is still
too personal to everyone's private taxonomies.  Of all the pages out
there maybe 5% is incorporated into these attempts at data
standardization.  As for Python, its community has sort of splintered.
   Various language attempts to solve certain problems complexified
the language and created a kind of "growth knot" on Python's tree.
They weren't bad solutions, they were just the best solutions outside
a refactoring of the OOP methodology.

So what is OOP refactored?  Building upon Alan Kay's tentative(?)
description of the OOP "essence" (see
http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?AlanKaysDefinitionOfObjectOriented -- note that
there are two enumerations of his OOP definitions there), I'm going to
refactor the view presented there and distill what I argue are the
main points interest.

1)  Everything is an object.  (Purity)

That's a great idea, and this is where the OOP paradigm has taken us.
It made a fabulous abstraction away from the machine.  But did it get
us what we wanted?  I argue no and apparently others are asking the
same questions.

2) Objects communicate by sending and receiving messages

Great, so why don't we have a standardized way to do this?  Currently,
every programmer invents their own mini "domain language" for their
objects and modules and it's generally not obvious at all what methods
are designed to be message passers.  ***Why not have a standardized
syntax for this?

3) Objects have their own memory, which consists of other objects.

Ah, but here the object model has not been adequately defined.  There
has to be a "base case" to this infinite regress.  What objects do
integers consist of?  I'm suggesting that the OOP paradigm needs to
define atomic objects, which are not defined by other objects, and
then start the data taxonomy from there with the first
object/grouping/container from that.  Prototypes, to me, seem quite an
interesting development here.  They make it clear, just like C
structs, that your building your data upwards, not trying to make
"castles in the sky".  The machine forms a standard basis for
interaction, over everyone's meta-abstractions.

4)  Every object is an instance of a class (which must be an object)

Here, I read the world "class" much like prototypes or C structs.
Here's again, there must be a clear view here to avoid the infinite
regress.  C++ makes this distinction by having types separate from the
instantiation of same.  But that regress must end somewhere, and for
C++ it's types.  One does not ask:  "Well, then what is the type of
type?"  There isn't one!   The object model in C++ ends there!  Types
are rooted in the machine architecture, but Python and "pure" OOP
languages are not.  And this is where things get hairy and burly.

5) The class holds the shared behavior for its instances (in the form
of objects in a program list)

In other words, the "class" holds the template or the definition of
each object instantiated (or "created") from it.  Hence, I think the
word prototype is very apropos.

6) Classes are organized into a singly-rooted tree structure, called
the inheritance hierarchy. Memory and behavior associated with
instances of a class are available to any class associated with a
descendent in this tree structure.

There is an argument over Kay's meaning here.  But the above-worded
one is the one I'm going to work from.  Beginning in v2.2, the "great
type/class unification" started happening, ultimately leading to
everything rooted in the Object object.  ***BUT***  this is also
where, I argue, where practicality DID NOT beat purity -- purity
hammered practicality into oblivion.

It was a great idea at first, to get completely away from the machine
-- wouldn't that make inter-operability so much easier?  But no, it
hasn't happened.  After the unification things got more complex in
most ways.  And the reason:  because the object model must be rooted
in data, something concrete, not in the abstract which means many
things to everybody and anything to most others.  We're not making
physical objects or making a simulated environment, so lets not
pretend anymore.

What's to replace it?

1) Objects exists within the concreteness and limitations of the
machine.  (I'm going to limit myself to Turing machines and not deal
at all with lamba calculii and abstract programming environments that
exist in the imagination.)

2) Everything outside the concrete types is an object.

3) Objects (not the concrete types) talk to other Objects, **otherwise
they would be a machine type**.

4) Objects communicate to other objects via a standardized syntax,
like >> and << for sending and receiving.

Here endeth the lesson.

Mark Janssen
Tacoma, Washington

P.S.  It might be worthwhile to also examine a nice taxonomy of the
OOP conceptual landscape, found from there, at
which also partly makes my argument for a refactoring of the paradigm.
 If others find better taxonomies, please forward.

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