On Apr 12, 11:57 am, Mark Janssen <dreamingforw...@gmail.com> wrote: > hijacked by naysayers
Says the man who wrote: - "I blame the feminists for being too loyal to atheism and G-d for being too loyal to the Jews. Torture happened." - "The world is insane because people loved snakes more than G-d, and believed in homosexuals more than Adam." It's frightening to see that your grip on theology and, hell, *basic humanity* is as tenuous as your understanding of computer science. Calling out blatant pap as pap is not being a "naysayer". Shouldn't you be off single-handedly saving "the creative economy"? What happened to your "simple rules to create a self-organized system and re-organize the Internet"? > Here endeth the lesson. I'd love to believe this is true but I bet it isn't; I'm pretty sure you've got plenty more delusional grandeur to inflict on us. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list