David M Chess於 2013年4月12日星期五UTC+8下午11時37分28秒寫道:
> > Roy Smith <r...@panix.com>
> > As part of our initial interview screen, we give
> applicants some small 
> > coding problems to do.  One of the things we see a lot is what
> you could 
> > call "Java code smell".  This is our clue that the
> person is really a 
> > Java hacker at heart who just dabbles in Python but isn't really fluent.
> > ...
> > It's not just LongVerboseFunctionNamesInCamelCase().  Nor is
> it code 
> > that looks like somebody bought the Gang of Four patterns book and
> is 

> > that maybe there's a class struggling to be written.
> And I think equally to the point, even if you have
> only data, or only functions, right now, if the thing in question has that
> thing-like feel to it :) you will probably find yourself with both before
> you're done, so you might as well make it a class now...
> DC

If it is not time-critical and no needs to convert into 
CYTHON then it does not matter too much.

But a well wrapped class structures with good documents can 
help others to use the python codes a lot.

If the part is intended to be time-critical in the low level 
part, then  avoiding seeking 4 levels of methods and properties
inside a loop is helpful in python programs to be executed 
in the run time.


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