On 16 April 2013 17:25, Ned Batchelder <n...@nedbatchelder.com> wrote:

>  On 4/16/2013 12:02 PM, Rodrick Brown wrote:
>  I came across this article which sums up some of the issues I have with
> modern programming languages. I've never really looked at Javascript for
> anything serious or Node itself but I found this article really
> informational.
>  "The “Batteries included” philosophy of Python was definitely the right
> approach during the mid 90’s and one of the reasons that I loved Python so
> much; this was a time before modern package management, and before it was
> easy to find and install community-created libraries.  Nowadays though I
> think it’s counter-productive.  Developers in the community rarely want to
> bother trying to compete with the standard library, so people are less
> likely to try to write libraries that improve upon it."
> http://caines.ca/blog/programming/the-node-js-community-is-quietly-changing-the-face-of-open-source/
> I don't want to get into a package pissing match, but this math is just
> silly:
> *python*:  29,720 packages / 22 years =* 1351 packages per year*
> *ruby*:      54,385 packages / 18 years =    *3022 packages per year*
> *node.js*  26,966 packages / 4 years =   *6742 packages per year
> *
> If you want to know how fast something is growing, you don't measure 22
> years and divide by 22.  You look at the number of packages added in the
> last year (or month).  Also the assertion that people don't want to compete
> with the stdlib seems like pure supposition.  There are plenty of
> well-loved packages that "compete" with the stdlib.  Lxml, Requests,
> Twisted, etc, and plenty of packages in the stdlib that started as outside
> "competition".

Even looking at the last year/month might be give skewed results.
If a technology is new, there's a lot more packages that need writing than
if it's been around for 22 years, thus I'd expect to see the first year or
second year as a good comparison point.


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