On 4/16/2013 11:37 AM, aaB wrote:

I represent the CA's rule with a list of integers, of value 1 or 0.
Here is the function I use to generate the list:

def get_rule(rulenum):
   rule = []
   while rulenum > 0:
     rule.append(rulenume % 2)
     rulenum /= 2

divmod(rulenum) will return both the quotient and remainder at one time

   while len(rule) < 8:
   return rule

In versions of Python with builtin bin(), you could write

def get_rule(rulenum):
    b = bin(rulenum)[2:]  #
    return [0]*(8-len(b)) + [int(i) for i in b]

To know Python decently well, you should understand all of that syntax.

rule = getrule(int(8))
print rule
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]


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