Τη Κυριακή, 14 Απριλίου 2013 12:28:32 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Cameron Simpson 
> On 13Apr2013 23:00, nagia.rets...@gmail.com <nagia.rets...@gmail.com> wrote:
> | root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# pwd
> | /home/nikos/public_html/foo-py
> | root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# cat foo.py 
> | #!/bin/sh
> | exec 2>>/home/nikos/cgi.err.out
> | echo "$0 $*" >&2
> | id >&2
> | env | sort >&2
> | set -x
> | exec /full/path/to/foo-py ${1+"$@"}
> | 
> | root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# python3 foo.py 
> |   File "foo.py", line 2
> |     exec 2>>/home/nikos/cgi.err.out
> |          ^
> | SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> That is because foo.py isn't a python script anymore, it is a shell script.
> Its purpose is to divert stderr to a file and to recite various
> things about the environment to that file in addition to any error
> messages.
> Just run it directly:
>   ./foo.py
> The #! line should cause it to be run by the shell.
> I also recommend you try to do all this as your normal user account.
> Root is for administration, such as stopping/starting apache and
> so on. Not test running scripts from the command line; consider:
> if the script has bugs, as root it can do an awful lot of damage.
> | root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html/foo-py]# 
> | As far as thr tail -f of the error_log:
> | root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html]# touch /var/log/httpd/error_log
> That won't do you much good; apache has not opened it, and so it
> will not be writing to it. It was writing to a file of that name,
> but you removed that file. Apache probably still has its hooks in the old
> file (which now has no name).
> Restarting apache should open (or create if missing) this file for you.
> | root@nikos [/home/nikos/public_html]# tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log
> | and its empty even when at the exact same time i run 'python3
> | metrites.py' from another interactive prompt when it supposed to
> | give live feed of the error messages.
> No, _apache_ writes to that file. So only when you visit the web
> page will stuff appear there.
> If you just run things from the command line, error messages will appear on 
> your terminal. Or, after this line of the wrapper script:
>   exec 2>>/home/nikos/cgi.err.out
> the error messages will appear in cgi.err.out.
> | Cameron would it be too much to ask to provide you with root
> | access to my VPS server so you can have a look there too?
> | i can pay you if you like if you wait a few days to gather some money.
> I really do not recommend that:
>   - it is nuts to blithely allow a stranger root access to your system
>   - you won't learn anything about CGI scripts
> What you need for further debugging of your python issues is access
> to the error messages from the CGI script. That is the purpose of
> the wrapper script.
> Get the wrapper running on the command line and then test it via the browser.
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>
> Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,
>      the courage to change the things that I can,
> and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill
>      because they pissed me off.
>         - Jeffrey Papen <jpa...@asucla.ucla.edu>

can you help please or tell me what else i need to try?

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