In article <>,
 Alok Singh Mahor <> wrote:

> I am sorry by mistake I sent incomplete mail here is my mail.
> Hi everyone,
> few months back I decided to adopt python for my all sort of work including 
> web programming. and I have wasted long time deciding which to adopt out of 
> django, zope and web2py. 
> I am from php and drupal background. which framework would be better for me. 
> I am open to learn anything, anything new. but I want to adopt best thing 
> full of features and lot of plugins/extensions and easy to use and have 
> better documentation and books etc. 

Zope is a much older framework, and much lower level than django.  It's 
almost certainly not what you want.

I'm not familiar with web2py, so I can't comment on that.

Django is sort of the "killer app" these days in the python web world.  
That's not to say that it's necessarily the best, but at least it's well 
documented, and has a thriving user community of people who can help 
you.  There's also a lot of add-on software available for it.

The basic things you get from django are:

1) A built-in ORM (Object Relational Mapper) layer.  This is the thing 
which lets you ignore all the horrible details of how your underlying 
database works and just deal with Python objects.

2) A structure for parsing incoming HTTP requests, and calling the right 
bit of your code to handle each request.

3) A template language, to simplify the generation of your HTML pages.

There are others besides the three you mentioned.  You might want to 
start at to explore the 

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