On Sat, 20 Apr 2013, Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick wrote:

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 9:42 PM, Grant Edwards <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
The OP asked for a string, and I thought you were proposing the string
'null'.  If one is to use a string, then 'NaN' makes the most sense,
since it can be converted back into a floating point NaN object.

I infer that you were proposing a JSON null value and not the string

Not me, Wayne Werner proposed to use the JSON null value.  I parsed
the backticks (`) used by him as a way to delimit it from text and not
as a string.

That was, in fact, my intention. Though it seems to me that you'll have to suffer between some sort of ambiguity - in Chrome, at least, `Number(null)` evaluates to `0` instead of NaN. But `Number('Whatever')` evaluates to NaN. However, a JSON parser obviously wouldn't be able to make the semantic distinction, so I think you'll be left with whichever API makes the most sense to you:

    NaN maps to null


    NaN maps to "NaN" (or any other string, really)

Obviously you're not limited to these particular choices, but they're probably the easiest to implement and communicate.


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