Tim Roberts <t...@probo.com> wrote:
> Jimmie He <jimmie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >When I run the readbmp on an example.bmp(about 100k),the Shell is become to 
> >"No respose",when I change f.read() to f.read(1000),it is ok,could someone 
> >tell me the excat reason for this?
> >Thank you in advance!
> >
> >Python Code as below!!
> >
> >import binascii
> >
> >def read_bmp():
> >    f = open('example.bmp','rb')
> >    rawdata = f.read()                       #f.read(1000) is ok
> >    hexstr = binascii.b2a_hex(rawdata)       #Get an HEX number
> >    bsstr = bin (int(hexstr,16))[2:]

> I suspect the root of the problem here is that you don't understand what
> this is actually doing.  You should run this code in the command-line
> interpreter, one line at a time, and print the results.

> The "read" instruction produces a string with 100k bytes.  The b2a_hex then
> produces a string with 200k bytes.  Then, int(hexstr,16) takes that 200,000
> byte hex string and converts it to an integer, roughly equal to 10 to the
> 240,000 power, a number with some 240,000 decimal digits.  You then convert
> that integer to a binary string.  That string will contain 800,000 bytes.
> You then drop the first two characters and print the other 799,998 bytes,
> each of which will be either '0' or '1'.

> I am absolutely, positively convinced that's not what you wanted to do.
> What point is there in printing out the binary equavalent of a bitmap?

> Even if you did, it would be much quicker for you to do the conversion one
> byte at a time, completely skipping the conversion to hex and then the
> creation of a massive multi-precision number.  Example:

>     f = open('example.bmp','rb')
>     rawdata = f.read()
>     bsstr = []
>     for b in rawdata:
>         bsstr.append( bin(ord(b)) )
>     bsstr = ''.join(bsstr)

> or even:
>     f = open('example.bmp','rb')
>     bsstr = ''.join( bin(ord(b))[2:] for b in f.read() )

Exactly my idea at first. But then I started to time it (using
the timeit module) by comparing the following functions:

  # Original version
  def c1( rawdata ) :
      h = binascii.b2a_hex( rawdata )
      z = bin( int( h, 16 ) )[ 2 : ]
      return '0' * ( 8 * len( r ) - len( z ) ) + z

  # Convert each byte directly

  def c2( rawdata ) :
      return ''.join( bin( ord( x ) )[ 2 : ].rjust( 8, '0' ) for x in r )

  # Convert each byte using a list for table look-up

  def c3( rawdata ) :
      h = [ bin( i )[ 2 : ].rjust( 8, '0' ) for i in range( 256 ) ]
      return ''.join( h[ ord( x ) ] for x in rawdata )

  # Convert each byte using a dictionary for table look-up (avoids
  # lots of ord() calls)

  def c4( rawdata ) :
      h = { chr( i ) : bin( i )[ 2 : ].rjust( 8, '0' ) for i in range( 256 ) }
      return ''.join( h[ x ] for x in rawdata )

As you can see I even in c3() and c4() tried to speed things up
further by using a table look-up instead if calling bin() etc.
on each byte. But the results was that c2() is nearly 15 times
slower than c1(), c3() about 3 times and c4() still more than 2
times slower! So the method the OP uses seems to be quite a bit
more efficient than one might be tempted to assume.

I would guess that the reason is that c1() does just a small
number of calls of functions that probably aren't implemented
in Python but in C and thus can be a lot faster then anything
you could achieve with Python, while the other functions use a
for loop in Python, which seems to account for a good part of
the CPU time used. To test for that I split the 'rawdata' string
into a list of character (i.e. single letter strings) and re-
assembled it using join() and a for loop:

    r = list( rawdata( )
    z = ''.join( x for x in r )

The second line alone took about 1.7 times longer than the
whole, seemingly convoluted c1() function!

What I take away from this is that a lot of the assumption one
is prone to make when coming from e.g. a C/C++ background can
be quite misleading when extrapolating to Python (or other in-
terpreted languages)...
                          Best regards, Jens
  \   Jens Thoms Toerring  ___      j...@toerring.de
   \__________________________      http://toerring.de

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