On Mon, 29 Apr 2013 12:30:29 -0700, Peter Rowat wrote:

> This must be a trivial question:
> I have "import numpy as np" in the python startup file.

That only runs interactively. It does not run when you execute a script.

> A file called mod1.py contains "def myfn..."
>  and inside myfn there is a call to, say, "np.convolve".
> Interactively:
> .... (numpy imported as np)
>>import mod1
> Error: global name "np" is not known. =======
> Why is "np" not known to functions in an imported module ? =======

Let's suppose it was. What would that mean?

Look inside mod1, where there might be a function spam(), and also 
another function eggs(). spam() calls eggs(), it sees the eggs function 
in the same module, and all is well with the world.

Then you add to the startup file:

def eggs():
    return "Something unexpected"

and all of a sudden mod1.spam() breaks, because it now sees *your* eggs() 
instead of its eggs. This would be a bad, bad thing.

This is why modules are their own namespace, and the interactive 
interpreter is its own, independent, namespace. What happens in the 
interactive interpreter stays in the interactive interpreter, without 
stomping all over every other module.

> I can fix this by including "import numpy as np" in any module that uses
> numpy functions -- but then what is the point of having a startup file?

The point of the startup file is to add things to the interactive 
interpreter's module, not to inject things into every module in sight.


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