To draw a large array of data on a small panel, I need to shrink it to a
given size. e.g:

To draw numarray.arange(10000) on a panel of width of 100, I only need
to draw the points of (0, 100, 200, 300, ...) instead of (0, 1, 2, ...).
  So I need a method to shrink it to an 100-item array.

x[::len(x)/panel_width] will not work. If the panel's width is 60, that
expression will return an array of 61 elements.

I believe there is an existing function in numarray to do this, however
English is not my mother tongue and math is not my speciality, I can't
find it in the document full of math terms...

Qiangning Hong

(  Michael:                                    )
(                                              )
( Hi. I'm Michael Jackson, from The Jacksons.  )
(                                              )
( Homer: I'm Homer Simpson, from the Simpsons. )
(                                              )
( Stark Raving Dad                             )
   o   \
        \ /\
        ( )
      .( o ).

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