Chris Angelico <> wrote:
> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 7:56 AM, Jens Thoms Toerring <> wrote:
> > Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick <> wrote:
> >> Gmail automatically hides long quotes.  This is helpful in situations
> >> like this one.  More mail software should implement that
> >> functionality.  Seriously: once you go Gmail, you never go back.
> >
> > i giess you mean Gougle groups and not Gmail, which I can't comment
> > on since I don't use it.

> No, Chris (not me, the other Chris... *an*other Chris.... okay, one of
> the chorus of Chrises of this list!) did mean Gmail, the Google
> webmail client. It does threading (and does it better than
> SquirrelMail does), and it does the hiding of long quotes, long
> signatures, etc.

Ok, sorry then about that - as I said I never have used Gmail
(and don't plan using it for other reasons than usability - and
then I would hardly consider anything with a web interface for a
text medium to be very usable;-). But, as far as I understand,
Gmail is about email, so I'm a bit at a loss to understand what
got this to do with news groups and Google groups (were the post
I originally was responing to according to the header seemed to
be coming from) that I intended this to be about?

                          Best regards, Jens
  \   Jens Thoms Toerring  ___

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