This is my first script where I want to use the python threading module. I have 
a large dataset which is a list of dict this can be as much as 200 dictionaries 
in the list. The final goal is a  histogram for each dict 16 histograms on a 
page ( 4x4 ) - this already works. 
What I currently do is a create a nested list [ [ {}  ], [ {} ] ] each inner 
list contains 16 dictionaries, thus each inner list is a single page of 16 
histograms. Iterating over the outer-list  and creating the graphs takes to 
long. So I would like multiple inner-list to be processes simultaneously and 
creating the graphs in "parallel". 
I am trying to use the python threading for this. I create 4 threads loop over 
the outer-list and send a inner-list to the thread. This seems to work if my 
nested lists only contains 2 elements - thus less elements than threads. 
Currently the scripts runs and then seems to get hung up. I monitor the 
resource  on my mac and python starts off good using 80% and when the 4-thread 
is created the CPU usages drops to 0%. 

My thread creating is based on the following :

Any help would be create!!!

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