I am trying to automate Outlook mail client by retrieving a message with an attachment, using win32com. The message box is a shared folder that is not really underneath root folder inbox, so I had no success with inbox = mapi.GetDefaultFolder(6). However, I did have some success with:
import win32com.client outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application") mapi = outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders print mapi[7] In which the output is "Mailbox - Foo Operations"--- the folder I want. However, if I tried: import win32com.client outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application") mapi = outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders messages = mapi[7].Items message = messages.getLast() body_content = message.body print body_content I get no success. So I am pretty much stuck. I googled many things but no success. I prefer to win32com since I don't have to use a login in the script. But if this is possible with another Python module with no login requirement that would be great also. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list