> The above error message happened when i tried to reanme one of my
> filenames from
> its greeklish name to greek charcters.
> files.py is a script that allows users to downlaod fiels form my server.
> But i wish to presnt filename sin Greek and not in Greeklish
> http://superhost.gr/?page=files.py
> as it is now.
> What can i do to make pth script accept greek filenames too?
> Why does subprocess is complaining?

You are not offering enough information, because you have not posted the
contents of your files.py script. Thus it's difficult to help you. Please
post your code to pastebin or somewhere similar because posting long lines
on usenet is considered bad etiquette.

Also, few here know what "greeklish" means, and most of us who know would
like to forget.

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