On Sun, 02 Jun 2013 04:04:50 -0700, meakaakka wrote:

> Hey I am newbie in python.I have installed python 2.7.5 correctly.It is
> working fine but I am having some issues.I have set windows Enviroment
> variables. 

Any particular environment variables? Shall we guess which ones?

> The problem is when I try to save my program in a
> folder(C:\Users\John\X)it shows that module error

Are you saying that you cannot save in that folder? Sounds like a 
permission error, or maybe the folder doesn't exist. Have you tried 
saving in that folder with another program? Can you see the folder in 
Windows Explorer?

Or do you mean you CAN save in that folder, but... something else 
happens? What? We could play guessing games all week, but it would be 
better if you actually tell us exactly what is happening. You can see 
exactly what happens, we can only see what you tell us. Tell us:

* Where is the file saved?

* What file name does it have?

* EXACTLY how you are trying to run the file. 

* If you are trying to launch it from the command line, COPY AND PASTE 
the EXACT command you are using.

* If you get an error, and it is in the console, COPY AND PASTE the EXACT 
error message you get. ALL of it. Don't summarise, don't leave out bits 
you think aren't important, don't retype it from memory, and especially 
don't assume that because you know what the error is, we will magically 
know too.

The error message will probably start with:

    Traceback (most recent call last):

and then end with an exception type and error message, like:

    NameError: name 'foo' is not defined

    IndexError: list index out of range

    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

or similar. Copy and paste the entire error message.

Once you have shown us these details, we might be able to help you, or at 
least come back to you with more questions.


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