Alright well I'm quite a noob and when I run a simple command to change the current directory, nothing happens. I made a little test script to show it:

import os
cwd = os.getcwd()
print cwd
os.system('cd = C:\Program Files')
print cwd

then the result:

C:\Python24\Python Scripts
C:\Python24\Python Scripts

The cd never changed. . . Can somebody explain this? I think I need to add something simple, i didnt quite get the example ' os.system('./some --command') '


From: Robert Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to run commands in command line from a script
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 20:01:29 -0700

Ivan Shevanski wrote:
> I know there is an easy way to do this, and I just can not remember. I have > already searched where I thought the module would be. . . I just want to run
> some name specific commands.  Is this easily possible?

Quick and dirty:

   import os
   os.system('./some --command')

More robust: Use the subprocess module.

Robert Kern

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  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
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