On Mon, 03 Jun 2013 02:12:31 -0700, Νικόλαος Κούρας wrote:

> Τη Δευτέρα, 3 Ιουνίου 2013 9:46:46 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Steven D'Aprano
> έγραψε:
>> If I am right, the solution is to fix the file names to ensure that
>> they are all valid UTF-8 names. If you view the directory containing
>> these files in a file browser that supports UTF-8, do you see any file
>> names containing Mojibake?
>> Fix those file names, and hopefully the problem will go away.
> You are right Steven, i just renames the file 'Euxi tou Ihsou.mp3' =>
> 'Eυχή του Ιησού.mp3' and here is how it appears the filename directory
> listing via Chrome.
> http://superhost.gr/data/apps/
> I doesn't display the file with proper Greek characters but with
> *Mojibake* instead.

Not so -- it actually shows correctly, provided you use the right 
encoding. Tell your browser to view the page as UTF-8, and the file name 
is displayed correctly.

By default, my browser Iceweasel views the page as Latin-1, which 
displays like this:

Ευχή του Ιησού.mp3

so the first thing you need to fix is to find some way to tell Apache to 
include a UTF-8 encoding line in its automatically generated pages. Then 
at least it will display correctly for visitors.

I now tentatively believe that the file names are correct, using the UTF-8 
encoding. But you can help confirm this:

* What operating system are you using? If Linux, what distro and version?

* What is the output of the locale command?


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