On Tuesday, June 4, 2013 11:21:53 AM UTC-4, mstagliamonte wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am a beginner in python and trying to find my way through... :)
> I am writing a script to get numbers from the headers of a text file.
> If the header is something like:
> h01 = ('>scaffold_1')
> I just use:
> h01.lstrip('>scaffold_')
> and this returns me '1'
> But, if the header is:
> h02: ('>contig-100_0')
> if I use:
> h02.lstrip('>contig-100_')
> this returns me with: ''
> ...basically nothing. What surprises me is that if I do in this other way:
> h02b = h02.lstrip('>contig-100')
> I get h02b = ('_1')
> and subsequently:
> h02b.lstrip('_')
> returns me with: '1' which is what I wanted!
> Why is this happening? What am I missing?
> Thanks for your help and attention
> Max

edit: h02: ('>contig-100_1')

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