On 05/06/2013 18:43, Νικόλαος Κούρας wrote:
Τη Τετάρτη, 5 Ιουνίου 2013 8:56:36 π.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Steven D'Aprano έγραψε:

Somehow, I don't know how because I didn't see it happen, you have one or
more files in that directory where the file name as bytes is invalid when
decoded as UTF-8, but your system is set to use UTF-8. So to fix this you
need to rename the file using some tool that doesn't care quite so much
about encodings. Use the bash command line to rename each file in turn
until the problem goes away.

But renaming ia hsell access like 'mv 'Euxi tou Ihsou.mp3' 'Ευχή του Ιησου.mp3' 
leade to that unknown encoding of this bytestream '\305\365\367\336\ 
\364\357\365\ \311\347\363\357\375.mp3'

But please tell me Steven what linux tool you think it can encode the weird 
filename to proper 'Ευχή του Ιησου.mp3' utf-8?

or we cna write a script as i suggested to decode back the bytestream using all 
sorts of available decode charsets boiling down to the original greek letters.

Using Python, I think you could get the filenames using os.listdir,
passing the directory name as a bytestring so that it'll return the
names as bytestrings.

Then, for each name, you could decode from its current encoding and
encode to UTF-8 and rename the file, passing the old and new paths to
os.rename as bytestrings.

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