On Fri, 07 Jun 2013 14:24:30 -0400, Dave Angel wrote:

> On 06/07/2013 01:44 PM, ethereal_r...@hotmail.com wrote:
>     <SNIP>
>>      rows = cur.fetchall()
>>      for row in rows:
>>          print row
>> Now assume that fetchall would print the following:
> I doubt if fetchall() prints anything.  presumably it returns something,
> extracted from the db.
>> LOEL910624ND5 from the column vat as RFC.
>> 227 from the column amount_untaxed.
>> Now I would need to print that in the following format.
>> 04|85|LOEL910624ND5|||||227|||||||||||||||
>> 04 always goes in the first column and 85 always goes in the second,
>> vat goes in the third and the amount_untaxed goes in the eight column
>> but we still need to have 22 columns in total.
> I don't use psycopg2, and I'd suggest few others here do either.
> Since the problem has nothing to do with psycopg2, could you simplify
> the problem?  Whatever fetchall() returns, it's presumably either a dict
> or list.  Or is it a list of lists?
It actually returns a list of tuples.

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