On 06/08/2013 10:56 AM, Νικόλαος Κούρας wrote:
> its very tedious to always triming everything for me and i know it is
> for you to ead it assuc. Damn google groups, why is it behaving as
> such? Dont the programmers know about it?

Most of us on the list don't use google groups. A number of us use plain
old e-mail to post to the list.  If you set up folders and rules in your
e-mail client (or labels and filter in Gmail), then messages can go into
their own folder.

> Any way what did you say and i havent understand you correctly? What
> path do you want me to show to you?

He means that you should configure apache to use the real path on your
file system, not the symlink.  IE if www is just a symlink to
public_html, reconfigure apache to not use www at all and use
public_html.  That way you can avoid these kinds of errors.

> What does this error means anyway?

It means that Apache is unable to find your cgi script.  It's turning
the url into a file path, but it can't find the file path.  Sometimes
Apache is configured to not follow symlinks.

It's confusing too because you have two apaches installed.  The system
default one and the one that comes with cPanel.


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